Sunday, May 4, 2008

Another weekend goes by...

Its Sunday night, and finally time to wind down. Yeah!!!!! It was a good weekend for us. I took it upon myself to break a few Child Labor Laws, but what the heck. Good hard work never hurt anyone. I don't think anyways!!

The boys and I spent the weekend around the house, mostly working outside. We did a lot of planting and pulling weeds. Our new house is lacking on the landscaping side so we have a lot of work ahead of us. Which would go a lot faster if Jake didn't insist on "helping". I would have to say that his favorite thing to do was to use the hose, and his favorite thing to water, you ask? That would be Cole. As if he needed to grow anymore!! Dylan was pretty much gone for the day, exploring the "forest" that is in the backyard. He loves to put on all of his army gear and start scouting. The back side of our house sits right up against a large grove of trees that houses about 10 deer, lots of squirrels and raccoons, our little resident rabbit that burrows in our backyard, and who can forget about the pack of wild turkeys. Yes, you read that right. We have wild turkeys that roam the neighborhood, but are partial to crowding into OUR backyard at three in the morning and cackling right under my open window. But thats a whole different story, back to that one at hand...Dylan has decided that one way or another, he is going to get close enough to the deer to touch them. Today he was amazingly patient enough to sit in a tree and wait for them. He was so excited when they walked right by him. But then was disappointed when he coughed on accident and they ran away. Oh well, it'll give him something to do next weekend. And it beats his last quest, which was to hunt for bear with nothing more than a stick. What can I say, the kid is adventurous.
Moving on in the day, next on our list was to wash the truck and the quads. I've come to learn that sometimes in life, things sound like a good idea, and then when I'm half way through, I realize my idea of good, is a little twisted!! Once again, our task involved the hose, and once again, Jake decided to spend more time hosing Cole off than the truck. He found it absolutely hilarious until the hose got turned on him!! Not so funny anymore.
The end of our evening brought many things to light for me. As a reward for all their help in the day, we went to McDonalds for dinner. I know what you're thinking, wow! McDonalds! Yes that is as good as it gets in my world!! A completely kid welcome atmosphere where not only is dinner taken care of, but we get an early jump on bedtime. The boys all think they are living the good life, because when they are done eating, they get to play. What they don't understand is that it is a completley selfish act on my part. The harder they play, the more tired they get. I found that for the first time in quite a while, I just sat back and watched them play. I realized tonight that no matter how crazy things are for me, and no matter how frustrated I can get, I couldn't imagine my life without my kids. Every day seems to pass like a whirl wind right now and sometimes, i forget to slow down and focus on the most important things in my life. I was lucky enough to see that tonight. And hopefully will be able to remember that more often.
